In Khilafah Gas will be a Public Property and will be Delivered at a Price that will support the Economy
In Khilafah Gas will be a Public Property and will be Delivered at a Price that will support the Economy
Today, the agent rulers’ of the Muslim World, including Pakistan, implore colonialist states to solve problems, such as the occupation of Kashmir and Palestine, even though these countries are active in hostility against Muslims and eager to dominate the Muslims.
Democracy has failed with widespread disinterest in the coming elections. Even those who are still participating in voting are resigned to choosing the “least of the worst” from a pitiful choice.
Under the capitalist system, citizens face a great burden of taxation. Income tax eats into the people’s salaries, general sales tax makes buying essential food and medicine a burden
The present capitalist system ensures that a few private owners benefit from energy resources whilst the public faces hardship.
Shari‘ah has granted permission to choose representatives for taking care of the affairs of the Muslims.
...for the Re-Establishment of the Khilafah on the Method of the Prophethood
Patience is not isolating ourselves from the people and leaving the oppressors to commit their evil (munkar) no matter how much the Ummah suffers of violation of its lands, usurping of its resources and undermining of her Deen.
We notice that RasulAllah (saaw) rejected all the invitations from the kuffar to enter their kufr system. The kuffar invited him as a member of their parliament, Dar un-Nadhwa, and even as its head. Yet
Democracy will always undermine Islam because it assigns assemblies of men and women as sovereign, allowing them to choose laws according to their whims and desires,..
“The prophets ruled over the children of Israel. Whenever a prophet died another succeeded him, but there will be no prophet after me. There will be khulafaa’ and they will number many
Alhamdulillah this Ummah possesses the strongest basis for unity in the world, the Deen of Haqq, Islam. Thus, all over the world, its east and west, its north and south, we fasted Ramadhan, in response to the order of Allah (swt)
... and Humiliation which only Encourages Belligerence from our Enemy
The great victory for Muslims was the conquest of Makkah,the largest stronghold of the Kufaar at the time which was in Ramadhan in the eighth year of Hijrah, after Quraish broke the Treaty of Hudaybiah with the Muslims, where she helped the tribe of Bakr
Willingness to sacrifice is the outcome of absolute conviction that Allah (swt) and His Messenger (saaw) alone are deserving to be more beloved to the person than the whole Dunyaa and everything that is in it.