...Is it expected that the West Bank will remain as it is and there will be a military occupation of Gaza? Or will it be a demilitarized state in the West Bank and Gaza?..
...Is it expected that the West Bank will remain as it is and there will be a military occupation of Gaza? Or will it be a demilitarized state in the West Bank and Gaza?..
...the Muslims of Pakistan Army and the Tribal Regions for Victory Over the Kuffar
Hizb ut Tahrir / Wilayah Tunisia March:
...Muslims Must Reunify Them as One.
...By Re-Establishing the Khilafah that will Liberate Occupied Kashmir and Unify Pakistan and Afghanistan as One State
..to Secure the Prestige of Our Armed Forces, Our Lands and Our Deen
..Re-Establish the Khilafah (Caliphate) for Real Change
Real Revolution will Come when Democracy is Uprooted and Khilafah is Established
It Only Means the US Grip on Pakistan Has Increased
The Khilafah’s Shariah Judiciary is the Only Solution
Faced with a collapsing economy, a demoralized military, domestic unrest and challenging mid-term elections, the US President, Joe Biden, bared his teeth against the Islamic Ummah, to gain support from his people.
...Must Work to Re-Establish Khilafah (Caliphate) on the Method of Prophethood
...Mobilizing an Army upon the Cries of Naseema Bano and Her Oppressed Muslim Sisters in Occupied Kashmir?!
.. the Surrender of Even an Inch of the Blessed Land of Palestine
The Normalization of the Emirates is a Black Page Added to the Pages of Traitorous Rulers!!