The latest State Bank report exposes the regime’s tall claims will Pakistan’s Rulers not Desist?
...Deserve the March of the Strong and Powerful Armed Forces of Pakistan
... Confirms Pakistani Regime’s Commitment to Trump’s War on Islam Secure a Permanent Presence for its Fleeing Master in Afghanistan
... because it is based on IMF Priorities, not Our Own
... of Exploiting Pakistan’s Economy for Colonialist Interests
...Makes the State a Ruthless Colonialist-Era Administrator
...So Do Not Allow It Back in Through Facilitating Afghan Talks
... Whilst Claiming Loyalty to Khilafah Rashidah it Wages Open War against Uyghur Muslims and Islam
One of the signs of a failed, neglectful system is that the crises become numerous, with the latest fiasco erupting over private education fees.
Abolish Democracy and Re-Establish Khilafah (Caliphate) on the Method of the Prophethood
The blood of the martyrs in Pulwama, Occupied Kashmir, at the hands of the brutal Indian occupying forces confirms that normalization with India will
The Bajwa-Imran regime is now striving to secure the US military presence on the doorstep of the world's only Muslim nuclear power, whilst lying